Welcome to the PNSQC Poster Paper Information Page

Whether you are planning on participating in this year's Poster Paper event or are just curious about what a Poster Paper is, this page is for you!

What is a Poster Paper?

Poster Papers embody the PNSQC core culture of knowledge exchange while also emphasizing our desire to 'grow our own' and support QA professionals in their development. As such, our Poster Paper program is designed for first-time speakers who may not feel comfortable doing a technical talk and paper in front of a formal audience. Rather, our Poster Paper authors display their posters in a prominent networking area of the conference where they can speak casually about their topics and ideas. The Poster Paper format helps you bring a topic to life in a compact visual format that encourages informal discussion, debate, and exchange of ideas in a relaxed atmosphere of peer engagement and review. The format can include hand-drawn or digitally created content displayed in a manner that is easy to share and discuss with others. Think science fair with a software quality twist!

The focus this year will be on non-digital enhanced in-person presentations. Poster Papers are expected to be poster boards that can be set on our provided easels or are large-format papers that can be taped to a wall. We provide a standard format so that you can make your Poster Paper professional.

Why Present a Poster Paper?

Allows you to share and discuss the summary of a technical paper, brainstorm an idea that needs more input with colleagues, or conduct a crowd-sourced feedback/problem solving session for an area of immediate need or interest. This is your opportunity to field test your ideas, share early Technical Paper concepts, and get out there to talk and socialize what you are passionate about. Plus, as a Poster Paper author, you get a 50% discount on conference admission!

How do I create a Poster Paper for the conference?

Let's break this into three simple steps: Registration, Creation, and Time Commitment.

For further guidance, see some poster paper “guidelines” from authors Thomas C. Erren and Philip E. Bourne published in 2007 for the journal PLOS Computational Biology.

Most importantly, the goal is to be creative, explore a topic of personal interest, and have fun!

Poster Paper time frames and conference schedule

Here are the dates for you to keep in mind. Any further information can be gained by emailing the conference staff.

Dates Milestone
Now - Sept 22Register for Poster Paper Author and submit your title, abstract, bio, and photo.
Sept 24Receive notification from our program committee regarding your acceptance and assigned reviewer.
Sept 28Submit your first draft poster paper to your assigned reviewer.
Sept 30Receive feedback from your reviewer.
October 15-16Share your ideas and discuss them with fellow attendees at the conference.

Keep in mind that while others are networking among their peers, you are networking your topic and ideas with a very focused and interested audience. Come ready to talk about your topic and spread the joy of what you are excited about!

Have questions or want to bounce your ideas off of us?

Email the Program committee! We are here to support you in any way we can to help make this a fun experience before and during the conference.