Nimble, not Agile: Creating a flexible quality assurance framework for your company's unique SDLC.

Many software testing lifecycle models are designed to correlate with the most popular software development lifecycle models, like Agile, Scrum, or Kanban. But, there are many ways to build and develop software outside of these standard models. How can teams create a workflow that is conducive to delivering high-quality software in an unorthodox environment? My team uses Basecamp's Shape Up method to deliver software. It provides a great deal of flexibility for developers to ship products, but it can be challenging to inject thorough test procedures into a method that centers developer productivity above team process. I've spent time dissecting the most popular testing methodologies in order to craft my own flexible framework.

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Zenzi Ali

Agility. Advocacy. Efficiency. Affinity. Amazing things happen when engineering and humanity come together. Zenzi understands the power of high-quality engineering products and their significant role in driving the modern world. But she also understands the need for clear communication when developing and implementing this technology so that it can better serve very human needs such as education. Every day, Zenzi immerses herself in real-world applications of technology, and spearheads projects through the entire development cycle, including testing. In the process, she has acquired a sterling reputation for quality pull requests, expertly written bug reports, and test plans that result in phenomenal improvements in product quality. Before joining Clarity, Zenzi managed a community of new technologists (providing code and assignment reviews); created, optimized, and automated unit tests; sharpened her communication skills while working as an Executive Assistant; used Agile methodologies to plan, iterate, and execute tasks within cross-functional teams; and implemented testing processes with startups and large organizations alike.